第一部 悩みに関する基本事項
第一章 今日一日の枠のなかで生きよ
Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to
do what lies clearly at hand.
第二章 悩みを解決するための魔術的公式
Ask yourself, "What is the worst that can possibly happen?"
Prepare to accept it if you have to.
Then calmly proceed to improve on the worst.
第三部 悩みの習慣を早期に断とう
第七章 カブト虫に打ち倒されるな
Let's not allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise
and forget.
Remember "Life is too short to be little."
第八章 多くの悩みを締め出すには
「記録を調べてみよう」 そして、こう自問するのだ。「平均値の法則によると、不安の種になっている事項が実際に起こる確率はどのくらいだろうか?」
"Let's examine the record." Let's ask ourselves: "What
are the chances, according to the law of averages, that this event I an
worrying about will ever occur?"
第九章 避けられない運命には従え
第十一章 オガクズを挽こうとするな
Wise men ne'er sit and wail their loss, but cheerily seek how to redress
their harms.
第四章 平和と幸福もたらす精神状態を養う七つの方法
第十五章 百万ドルか、天与の財産か?
The habit of looking on the best side of every event is worth more than
a thousand pounds a year.
第十七章 レモンの効用
One of the wonder-filled characteristics of human beings is their power
to turn a minus into a plus.
第二十二章 私が犯した愚かな行為
The small man flies into a rage over the slightest criticism, but the
wise man is eager to learn from those who have censured him and reproved
him and disputed the passage with him.